A Great Run For Everyone

Participant enjoyment is really important to us and we’re proud to support runners of all speeds to achieve their goals.  We celebrate our first and last runner home in equal measure, because by the time you reach the finish, you’ve truly earned your medal.

To ensure you can enjoy the finish line experience as much as possible we’ve created some guidance outlining the support and initiatives in place.  This also ensures the event runs smoothly and safely for everyone, allowing the road networks to reopen to get everyone back home.

You’re going to have a fantastic time and we’re rooting for you every step of the way!

Training plans, advice & tips

Preparing for a running event can feel daunting, whether you’re a beginner or you’ve already completed a half marathon or two.  Follow one of our training plans and you’ll soon be hitting your stride, whatever your pace.

We also have plenty of training tips and advice to help you prepare for event day, from nutrition and hydration to avoiding injury, and tips for helping the day go smoothly.

Start line experience

Whether starting at the back, front, or somewhere in the middle, everyone gets to enjoy the same start-line experience.  The music is always pumping, the atmosphere is always electric, and our resident warm-up artists are always on hand to get our runners race ready before the starting gun fires.

What we ask is that you come prepared: bring the necessary gear, hydrate adequately, and fuel your body right.  Your preparation is the cornerstone of your performance.

Pacing team

We have a team of pacers ready to help you pace your run and achieve the time you’re hoping for.

Support at the back of the back

Our bike marshalls always follow at the back, ensuring all our runners are accounted for, encouraged, and have support on hand should they need it.  A support minibus also follows at the back of the event, offering participants the opportunity to be taken further along the route, or directly to the finish, should they require this support.

We ask all participants to maintain a pace of 17-minute miles (or faster). If you fall behind this time you will be asked to move on to the pavement or board an event minibus that will take you further along the route / directly to the finish.  This is to ensure the event runs smoothly and safely for everyone, and so that the road networks can reopen to ensure everyone can get back home.

Finish line & Finisher rewards

We always wait for our final finisher home, with the music still pumping and the finisher medal ready and waiting.  Our final finishers get the biggest cheer of the day.

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