One Month to Go Until the Great North 10k

The AJ Bell Great North 10k is back in one month – and the event, which is on track to sell out soon, is shaping up to be the biggest staging of the North East’s biggest and most popular 10k yet.

Participants are getting ready to ‘Run the Toon’ with an iconic start line, unbeatable city views, and the ultimate finish line feeling.

The AJ Bell Great North 10k is partnering for a 2nd year with the Newcastle United Foundation, with a black and white wave of runners, and a cheer zone also planned on the course.

Steve Beharall, Chief Executive of Newcastle United Foundation, said: “The foundation exists to raise aspirations, create opportunities, inspire people to be more active, as well as help with career pathways.

“It’s the second year we’ve partnered with the Great North 10k. It’s really important that people sign up for the Great North 10k as it’s a great way to raise funds for charities, not just the Foundation.

“It’s such an iconic race that starts in the city centre, goes over the Tyne Bridge twice, and takes in all the iconic views of Newcastle. We had great fun last year and we’re hopeful that this year we’ll surpass the number of runners from last year who took part to fundraise for the foundation and have even more sign up to join the black and white wave. We’ll have a black and white cheering zone as well; it’ll be a great experience.

“The money raised for the Foundation helps so many people, from disabled footballers to our older footballers who take part in walking football, which helps to reduce social isolation. We deliver over a million hours of physical activities every year and the funds will help us do even more of this work.”

Charlotte Pearce, from South Shields is running the Great North 10k for The Foundation. We spoke to Charlotte about why she’s running:

Why have you chosen to take part in the Great North 10k?

“I am running to support and fundraise for the Newcastle United Foundation. I wanted to take part in the Great North 10k as the Great North Run runs past my house every year and I have always wanted to take part in that, but I have never run further than 5k before so I thought the 10K run would be a good starting point.”

What is your challenge for 2024, how will the Great North 10k help you?

“At the start of 2024, I told myself I wanted to do more exercise this year but by trying different types of exercise I’ve not done before. So far, I have climbed 3 mountains, tried yoga and boxing. The Great North 10k will help me by allowing me to give running a proper go by having the 10K as my goal to get to and to prove to myself that I can do anything instead of looking at something and thinking I can’t do it.”

Are you a part of a running group or anything that helps you with your training, if so which one?

“I run with my boyfriend who is also running the Great North 10K for NUF or I run alone.”

What motivates you to run and keep going?

“I love the feeling after completing a run and having a faster time or a PB or running a further distance I’ve never run before. I recently ran 8.5k for the first time and the confidence and runners high I had after was unreal. I worried that I would not be able to run the 10k at the start of the year but now I’m ready to smash it!”

How do you motivate others, or do you think you have helped others start to run also?

“I motivate others by telling them how I started out. I couldn’t run a 1k without stopping and being so out of breath or telling myself I couldn’t do anymore but now I’m able to run 5k without stopping. Describing to them how I feel after and how I feel mentally and physically after a few weeks of running. Explaining to them that I run in sections, so each run I try and go further without stopping and you don’t need to run 5k/10k straight away without stopping or doing it in an amazing time.”

Our campaign this year across all Great Run events is the power of running. What does the power of running mean to you?

“Running has helped me physically and mentally, I used to dread going to the gym and would never run as I always told myself I couldn’t do it. I am mentally in a better place and when I am running, and I have my headphones in with a podcast or music on I forget about my day or any problems I have for that half hour or hour and focus on my run. Running has also helped me with my new hobby of climbing mountains as I feel fitter, and I am able to control my breathing like I would on my runs.

I have never run any of these events before, but I am hoping to get a place to run the Great North Run next year hopefully and maybe the 10K again.”

There is still time to sign up for the Great North 10k, but be quick, entries are expected to sell out soon. Find out more or enter here.