Power of Running: Halee Robinson

At The Great Run Company, we believe in the power of running – our runners share their inspirational stories for taking part in our Great Run series events, whether it be the 10k, half marathon, or 10mile – and it’s clear to see: everyone has a story and reason for running.

Discover some of the amazing stories behind the tens of thousands of runners who line up across our start lines each year.

In our Power of Running campaign, we are bringing to life inspirational stories that highlight the transformative impact running has on individuals and communities in Great Run locations across the UK. There are many reasons for running, but we’ll be particularly emphasising stories of mental health, community, fundraising, and physical fitness.

Halee Robinson, 21, is running the AJ Bell Great Birmingham Half Marathon

What is your challenge for 2024, how will the Great Birmingham Run help you?

“At the end of 2023 I signed up for the Great Birmingham Run as I wanted to challenge myself to do something I have never done before and to commemorate my time living in Birmingham. I am in my final year student at the University of Birmingham and its been a blast living in the city the past 3 years so I wanted to do something memorable in my final year, aside from graduating.”

Why did you start running?

“At the time of signing up for the Great Birmingham Run I’d never ran more than about 7 miles, I fell out of love with running after running quite competitively as a youngster. But this year I decided to start running again and I thought by setting this goal it would be a way of keeping me accountable and ticking a goal off the bucket list.”

What motivates you to run and keep going?

“My motivation comes from the younger me when I used to go on family runs most weekends, I think it stems more from discipline rather than motivation. Although that satisfying feeling post run is incomparable and usually sets my day off to a good start as I am morning run lover. I also play netball competitively so knowing that following a progressive training plan will improve my overall fitness on a netball court is also a reason which encourages me to run.”

What does the Power of Running mean to you, how has it helped you in your life?

“The Power of Running is how it teaches discipline, routine and the power of my body and mind. Anything is possible! Even on days where I don’t feel like going out in the dark or cold, I use positive self-talk and envision how I will feel after the run and that always gives me the spirit to get on a run! Discipline is a big takeaway and I think from starting to run at a young age I’ve always been able to apply discipline to any situation. This could be why I am still playing elite netball and being able to balance university, netball training, running training and netball coaching!”

How has running helped you with routine/day to day life?

“If I have a running training programme I will plan in my diary what day I can do the runs on at the start of the week. Sometimes it’s like a jigsaw as I try to ensure I don’t run on the same day as netball training or the day before a netball match. If I write it in my diary this helps me to actually get it done. Also, I like to do it in the morning as then the running endorphins are flowing for the rest of the day!”

How do you motivate others? Do you think you have helped others start to run also?

“I love sharing my runs and general exercise activities on Strava and on my Instagram account – Twinfitinsta. I think I have helped others to get active whether that be by running or netball. I will always aim to uplift those around me, that may be through adding supportive comments on my friends Strava posts or replying to advice about how young women or girls can get started in the gym or in fitness.”

How is your training going? How have you motivated yourself to get started and to keep running?

“I am about 3 months into training and have another 2 to go so I hope to run some longer distances e.g 15k plus over the next couple of months. The reason as to why I am running is also a motivator. I will be running for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital charity. On my physiotherapy placements I have met many inspirational children and hospital staff that I would love to support by running for this charity.”

“I joined a run club that has started near me called BTND run club led by Jake Williamson. This has been super fun and chilled as I can do a low intensity run whilst meeting new people! My other hack to running is buying myself a new pair of trainers or nice bit of kit that you love because then I just get excited to get ready to go on the run which is half the battle! Some people also find having a running partner is helpful to stay accountable to running too.”


Submit your Power of Running story
Everyone who sets out for a training run or signs up to an AJ Bell Great Run series event is a runner, regardless of finish time, and everyone has their own reason for running. Tell us about your running story and what the Power of Running means to you, and you could feature in our campaign: Click here to submit your story.

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