10 Tips To Get You Running This January

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Taking your first step outdoors to run in January can be tough. Blue Monday is upon us, you’ve watched more than your fair share of festive films and you can’t bear the thought of venturing out in anything less than a thermal bodysuit! It’s crunch time.

It’s time to think about what your New Year’s resolution is going to be and what new goals you are going to set yourself. Whether you’re aiming to complete your first ever 10k or tackle a half marathon, here are our 10 tips to get running this January:

Set yourself a goal

It can be very difficult taking your first step outdoors in the winter months, but having a goal in mind, no matter how small, is the ideal motivation. Chances are you won’t have the energy to complete a 10 mile run on New Year’s Day, so start off small and ease yourself into it! Setting small, attainable goals to reach in the short term is a great way to build up your running.

Buddy up

Everything’s more fun when you share the experience with someone else. And it’s also tougher to skip a run if you know you’re going to met a friend to do it! If you don’t have any willing friends, look for local running groups, which are great for reaching a running goal but also excellent for meeting like-minded people.

Share it

Social media is a great way to stay motivated. Every run you go on and every girl you meet, share it on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – or all of them! You never know, you could inspire someone else to pick up their running shoes and make a positive change just like you have.

Make a playlist

Think Eye of the Tiger, Beautiful Day and Don’t Stop Me Now for some of the best fist pumping, energetic tracks to help you take on those extra miles. If you need some inspiration, we’ve compiled some tips and a list of some of our favourite running tunes here.

Layer up
Remember what your granny used to say about wrapping up warm?  Well this is the time to take her advice! Be wise to the cold weather, but don’t overdress, as you’ll naturally heat up when you start exercising.

Dust off your trainers

Clean up those running shoes you haven’t worn in months and mark the beginning of a healthier, fitter you.  If it takes you a while to get motivated, try wearing them around the house for a few days to start with.

Find a great location

To love running is to run in a place you love.  The UK is full of beautiful parks, trails, beaches and cities all waiting to be explored. Spend a little time researching new areas and keep it interesting by mixing up your routes, or planning a new running route.

Brave the elements

Enjoy the exhilarating feeling of running in the rain or seeing your breath sweep in front of you on a crisp winter morning. If it helps, just picture everyone else scoffing Christmas treats for breakfast!

Think of the benefits

Running is the perfect way to burn calories, it’s good for your joints, and actually raises your IQ.  A Swedish study found a link between high levels of aerobic fitness and better results in an IQ test – ideal for your next trivial pursuit game-night!

Stay safe

The dark nights can be intimidating, so don’t venture into an unknown area by yourself; take a friend, mobile phone and a torch… or alternatively go out for a run in the daytime instead.

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