5 Great Tips for Great Run Fundraising

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If you’re taking part in an AJ Bell Great Run Series event for charity this year, then you’re going to want to raise as much money as possible to support your cause.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with our official online fundraising partner, Enthuse to share five quick and easy tips you can use to raise as much as possible.

Tick off all five and your fundraising page will be in a prime position come event day.

So let’s get started!

Picture it

It’s simple but the best place to start is with a picture of yourself to reassure your friends and family they’re donating to the right person. And it works, too! Fundraisers with a profile picture receive 42% more donations on average. While it may be a small thing, adding a profile picture at the beginning of your fundraising journey can make a big difference.

What’s your story?

When someone lands on your profile page, they may well know you but they might not know much about your chosen charity or what it means to you. That’s why writing your personal story is an important next step.

It doesn’t have to be long – just a little bit about the cause and why you picked them, and if you’ve got a personal connection, add that in as well. What’s more, the profiles that have a story raise nearly twice as much.

Donate to yourself

This one might not be as obvious but it’s certainly worthwhile. Donating to your own fundraising page is a great way to get the ball rolling. It will help bump up the totaliser and it shows everyone how committed you are to your cause.

Progress updates

Whether it’s posting a run from Strava or sharing your latest news, adding progress updates to your fundraising page is a great way to keep people in the loop. Current and future donors alike will want to know how your preparation is going and what you’ve achieved so far.

Fundraisers who posted an update raise 76% more on average, which goes to show that an updated page is a healthy page.

Show your gratitude

Did you know you can reply to donors on your official Great Run fundraising page to say ‘thank you’? Every time a donation comes in you’ll be notified by email. Click the link and you’ll be taken straight to your fundraising page, ready to tell the person what their donation means to you.

This is a great way to let current and future donors know how much you appreciate them. So much so that fundraisers who say ‘thank you’ have 50% more donors on average.

We hope these five quick and easy tips prove helpful and set you on the road to fundraising success.

Best of luck for your big day!

If you haven’t set up a fundraising page yet, it’s not too late to start. Whatever event you are looking to raise money at, Enthuse have you covered. Click on the link for your event below, and kickstart your fundraising now.

AJ Bell Great Birmingham Run

AJ Bell Great Bristol Run

AJ Bell Great Manchester Run

AJ Bell Great North 10k

AJ Bell Great North Run

AJ Bell Great South Run

AJ Bell Great Scottish Run

Creative Fundraising Checklist

Already put all of our top tips for your fundraising page into action and wondering what else you can do to raise even more for your chosen cause?

Then it’s time to get creative!

Here’s ten ways you can go above and beyond to smash your fundraising target:

1. Training tunes

Let people choose your training or event day playlist. You could ask them to make a donation on your official fundraising page and comment the song (or songs) they want you to add. The higher the donation, the more songs they can add!

2. Sponsor a mile

Make it easy for people to donate by sharing your fundraising page and asking them to sponsor you a certain amount per mile. Like a 2024 version of a sponsored silence at school! Donors can even track you running their mile and donate on the official Great Run app.

3. Explore match funding

Lots of companies do a scheme where they double the amount you raise for charity – check if your employer does this to boost your fundraising.

4. Reach out to local media

Why not approach your local newspaper or radio station and tell them about why you’re running for the charity you’ve chosen. If they publish an online piece, see if they can link to your fundraising page.

5. Plan a raffle

Get in touch with local businesses to see if they’ll offer you items to raffle for your fundraising. Local companies are often keen to support, so give it a go!

6. Run in a pack

Increase your network for donations by running as a pack. Our official online fundraising pages give you the opportunity to run as part of a team and fundraise together.

7. Host a quiz night

Organise a quiz night and charge people an entry fee to add to your fundraising total. Use your official fundraising page for QR codes for entry fee donations or have them pay in cash and add their donations to your page.

8. Run a sweepstake

Organise a prediction game, with people paying a donation to your official fundraising page to guess your finish time. Put up a small prize for guessers to win or just play for pride.

9. Have a bake sale

Everyone loves a bake sale. Bake some treats then make a few posters about the cause you’re raising for with some QR codes linking to your fundraising page for cashless donations.

10. Auction of promises

How about auctioning off some good deeds for the highest donation offers? Dog walking, gardening or car washing around your neighbourhood? Or perhaps coffee and tea duty or fetching people’s lunches at the office?

There you have it, ten more ideas to raise even more for your chosen cause.

Good luck and happy fundraising!

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