How to pace a perfect 5k

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A 5k is often the first distance we aim for when getting into running. It is a big distance marker to hit for someone that is new to running. As we get more experienced, a 5k is one of those distances where we like to lay down as fast a time as possible. The 5k starts to feel like a long sprint! It is also a very accessible distance, given we can head to ParkRun every Saturday for a competitive runout. The 5k is short enough to take more of a risky approach and see what happens, but we would still advise a pacing plan to pace a 5k, so you can get the best out of yourself.

Goal Time

First, set yourself a finish time goal. Balance optimism with realism – so, if you’ve previously run a 5k in 25:30, then aiming to hit under 25 minutes is a great goal. The faster your time, the less time you should aim to shave off. For a 24:59 5k, you’ll be aiming to run at least 4:59 per km (Check out the Runna pace calculator here).

For longer distances (+10k), it’s a good idea to aim for a pace range. However, with the 5k, aim for your target pace from the get-go. Why? Because it’s a short race – you simply don’t have as much time to play with.

First 2k

Try to hit your target pace right on the nose. 1-2 seconds quicker? That’s ok but try not to lose any seconds at this stage. Your first 1km may be a bit faster than anticipated as the excitement and adrenaline hit, but try not to go over 3s quicker than your target pace (under 4:55/km might be a bit too punchy at this stage) If you feel like you’re really working, you’re doing fine – that’s exactly how it should be.

From halfway

Let’s speak honestly for a moment here – things are going to bite in the next kilometre or so. But stay calm and mentally focused – after all, that’s exactly what the 5k is designed to do. Remind yourself that you’re getting closer to the finish line with each step, sign deep, and push harder – then harder. Go as fast as you feel it’s possible to go and – with a mere 1km to go – empty the tank. It’s time to give it everything you’ve got and head for the finish line.

A note on conditions and terrain

Of course, if you’re facing tough conditions – rain, wind, extreme heat, and so on – or a trickier terrain – hills or trails – getting a PB will be more difficult. That said, you can adjust your pace around weather or surfaces. And if you’re seriously aiming for an improved time, pick your face accordingly – a fast, flat route on a good day should bring success!

Find out more about pacing a 5k and the Runna app at Already training for an AJ Bell Great Run Series event? You can access your FREE two week Runna trial via the Great Run Rewards page.

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