Top Reasons To Run this Christmas

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It may be Christmas but that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside by the fire..

That little gift to yourself during the festive period could be a Christmas run! To non-runners this may seem like an act of madness but here are several top reasons why running at Christmas run may just make it the most enjoyable run of the year.


Preparation for your next event shouldn’t just stop when the cold and dark set in! Though as tempting as it may be to stay wrapped up indoors, pulling on your trainers and running at Christmas is a great way of making sure you stick (loosely) to your winter training plan. As the December diary fills up with social events and the mince pies are calling your name, your training is bound to slacken but the occasional run is a great way to keep your running progress going.


It’s Christmas, enjoy that extra mince pie or portion of Christmas cake! Over-indulgence becomes forgivable and it’s absolutely necessary to consume a three-course meal followed by a whole Camembert and finish with a couple Ferrero Rocher.

You can quite literally have your cake and eat it, but that extra Christmas run will make sure you can enjoy everything completely guilt free knowing that you worked for it.


With the excitement of Santa coming down the chimney looming and the youngsters looking forward to their presents under the tree, keep the entertainment going with a family Christmas run. Delve into the cupboards and put on your best fancy dress costumes as you head out together for some festive fun.


If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, right? Sometimes the pressure of Christmas preparations gets too intense as the families come together on Christmas day and that run is ever more tempting! Maybe fly solo for some well needed ‘me’ time and enjoy some respite before a full day in the house!


Unwrapping a present and discovering new running kit inside is so exciting! When you’re feeding the five thousand and have visitors to entertain, head out for a run and try out your new gear before the madness ensues!

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