Why training is really important

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5 Reasons Why Training Is Really, Really, Really Important

So, you’ve signed up for a Great Run – bravo! We’re thrilled that you’re going to be part of one of the biggest and best running events – and if you’re still deciding, well, what better time to do it than now? What do you say – see you at the start line?

In the meantime, for those who have already secured their start line spot, we’ve got five reasons why training is a vital part of your preparation. Whether you’ve gone for a 10 mile, 10k or half marathon option… here goes.

Firstly, running 10 miles, 10k or 13.1 miles is a real achievement. And like all real achievements, it’s hard (sorry). Or rather, it can be if you don’t prepare properly. We don’t say this to put you off, but training properly – finding a plan, sticking to it, building your distance and stamina – is a vital part of the process. Want to feel incredible crossing that finish line? Just like on race day, there’s no shortcut!

Training helps avoid injury. Find a training plan suited to your running ability and it’ll help you get to your goal steadily over a number of weeks. Tackle too much too soon and you’re more likely to end up with an injury, slowing your progress or maybe taking you out of training completely. Always remember your warm up and cool down, too – you can read more about why these elements are so important here.

Training is fun – or it can be! Rather than viewing training as a job on your To Do list, why not make it something to look forward to? Find an interesting or scenic route, then add in a podcast, some music or a mate or two and you’ll soon banish those training blues.

It’s about your brain as well as your body. Too often we think about training as being about the physical side of things – making sure that you’re fit and fast enough to get round. However, a training plan is as much about the brain as it is about the body: a chance to practice reframing negative thoughts and building a focused, can-do attitude. And let’s face it, that’s helpful in every area of life, not just running.

Finally, there’s no excuse not to. There’s a whole host of training plans here on our website, from a combination of run-walking your chosen distance all the way through to pushing for your personal best. You can also look at our Train and Prepare pages, with plenty of customised training advice based on your previous running experience. With all this on offer, you can give training your all.

Happy training! You can find out more about the Great Run Series events (and enter if you haven’t already!) here.

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