Aardman Runners Team Up to Support Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal at the Great Bristol Run

A team of three runners from Aardman Animations will be taking part in the Half Marathon at this year’s Great Bristol Run to raise funds for Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal, the dedicated charity for Bristol Children’s Hospital.

In 1995, Nick Park, Peter Lord, and David Sproxton of Aardman Animations allowed Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal to use their iconic characters Wallace & Gromit to spearhead their fundraising. Ever since, their partnership has paved the way for the very best care for sick children and babies.

George Milburn, Motion Control Operator on Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget, will be joined by Katie McQuin-Roberts, Head of Social Media and Communities, plus Robin Gladman, Head of Acquisitions.

“Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal is a cause that’s close to all our hearts at Aardman and we fundraise for them on a regular basis,” explains Katie.

“They give so much support to patients and their families at Bristol Children’s Hospital, as well as providing top of the range equipment and treatments for children that aren’t available anywhere else in the country.

“I’ve done various fundraising events for them in the past including a virtual half marathon during the pandemic when we couldn’t come together and race.”

Also a keen runner, Robin has run in “several” events for Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal.

“It’s a brilliant charity that’s very close to my heart being a Bristol resident and a father,” he says.

George adds that he’s witnessed some of the positive impact Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal has had “first hand” through his experiences as a parent. While he doesn’t consider himself a “runner” as such, he has taken up running “on and off” over the past 20 years and enjoys the positive effect it has on his health.

“I feel stronger physically and mentally from running. I find running gives me time and space to think and often helps with problem solving and creative thinking – at the same time as being great for fitness.

“I never regret going for a run, even when it’s been hard to motivate myself to do it.”

“There are so many benefits,” adds Robin. “It keeps you fit, gets you out and about – and I find it really good to focus the mind too.”

Robin often trains with friends and has been part of the company’s Aardrunners group, along with Katie.

“I never thought I had the physique to be a runner when I was a kid, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realised that anyone can give it a go,” says Katie.

“As well as feeling fitter, I love running as a way to clear my head and reconnect with the natural world. There’s also something really satisfying about leaving your car at home and getting yourself from A to B under your own steam!”

All three runners are looking forward to race day this Sunday.

“I hope to enjoy the spirit and camaraderie of the day,” says George.

“Knowing that I am helping Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal will add to the enjoyment and motivate me to make it to the finish.”

Katie adds that she’s looking forward to representing Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal and is proud to be wearing her charity t-shirt.

“It’s such a brilliant race to have on our doorstep, the atmosphere is amazing and I love passing the time by looking out for people I know.”

You can donate to Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal by visiting: www.grandappeal.org.uk/donate/