Adele’S Great South While Dad Waits For New Kidney

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A woman is set to take on a 10-mile running challenge to support the hospital that have been caring for her father while he waits for a kidney transplant.

Adele Harper, from Portsmouth, decided that she wanted to give back to the Portsmouth Queen Alexandra Hospital, where her father Alan is a patient as he has kidney failure and has to go through dialysis four times a day, seven days a week.

Alan was diagnosed in November 2016 after having a car accident and routine blood tests showed abnormalities. He requires a kidney transplant and is currently on the organ donation waiting list.

The family have received support from the hospital through both care and advice and Adele decided that she wanted to give back to them to thank them for what they have done for her dad.

Adele, who gets married in the summer, is determined to have her Dad by her side on her wedding day and believes that the staff at the hospital have made this possible.

She decided to sign up to the Simplyhealth Great South Run, which takes place on Sunday 21 October, to fundraise for the Portsmouth Hospitals Charity.

Adele, 27, said: “I really want to give myself a challenge but I also want to give something back to the renal department as they have been so supported to my dad and his entire family since his diagnosis.

“My dad was diagnosed with end stage renal failure in 2016. Every day is different, some days he can have a good day but things are still quite a struggle. He relies on dialysis every single day.

“He is currently on the waiting list for a kidney transplant which is the only way to cure him as his just aren’t functioning.

“Without the dialysis his body wouldn’t be able to get rid of the waste products and it has been a very difficult year or so for us all.

“The dedication and hard work from the renal team not only helps dad with making a recovery when he is very poorly but also for us family and friends who worry so much about him.

“The hospital team have been amazing, no question is silly, you can always ask them and they have offered so much support.”

Adele will join 20,000 others who will make the Simplyhealth Great South Run their greatest victory when they conquer a 10 mile challenge in Portsmouth.

Whatever their pace or motivation, the thousands of participants take in the historic sights across a course that celebrates everything that’s great about the city.

Adele, who works as a care worker, added: “It’s so important for to me fundraise as I feel like I can give back for all they have done for my dad.

“Hopefully the money can go towards new equipment and research but also the fact that we are talking about organ donation is really important as he is currently waiting for a new kidney.

“It’s a cause that is really close to my heart and without the support and medical care, he would not be here.

“It’s really important for me to have my dad with me on my wedding day in August and to walk me down the aisle.”

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