Becky Sheds 5 Stone And Signs Up For South Run

Every runner has a story, it’s time to start yours. Enter the Simplyhealth Great South Run at:

A teacher who shed five stone in preparation for her wedding is now set to take on the Simplyhealth Great South Run after always fearing she was too overweight to take part.

Becky Rogers, from Gosport, dropped from almost 19 and a half stone to 14 stone after getting engaged and deciding that she didn’t want to regret her wedding photographs.

As soon as she got engaged to her partner Will, she started her weight loss journey by signing up to Slimming World, swapping processed food for healthy, homemade alternatives.

Becky also hated getting on aeroplanes, as she was terrified that she would need a seatbelt extension or would not be able to fit comfortably on the seat.

Following her loss of five stone, she decided to sign up to the Simplyhealth Great South Run, which takes place on Sunday 21 October.

The event is something that Becky has always dreamed of doing, but always feared being too overweight to be able to complete it. After her weight loss success, the event was first on her list of goals for 2018.

Becky, 26, said: “I decided to lose weight for my wedding which takes place in August as I always said I wanted to be able to look back on my wedding photographs and not have any regrets.

“I used to be a very self-conscious and anxious person. I wouldn’t want to go out with friends or family because of the way I looked and I always struggled on school trips as it would make me very tired.

“Getting on a plane used to be such a worrying experience for me because I was worried that the seatbelt wouldn’t fit. “When I got engaged I started Slimming World. I used to skip meals through the day or snack on chocolate, crisps and white bread.

“I’d then think nothing of calling at McDonalds on my way home from work and then still go home for dinner! “Now I try to cook from fresh by having soup with vegetables and fruit as a snack.

“As I started to see progress with my weight loss, I decided to sign up to the Simplyhealth Great South Run as a goal to keep me going.

“I’ve always wanted to take part and run 10 miles, but I was too afraid because I thought I was too overweight.”

Becky will join 20,000 others who will make conquering 10 miles their greatest victory at the Simplyhealth Great South Run this autumn.

Whatever their pace, whatever their motivation, runners will share the satisfaction of completing a challenge among thousands of others as they take in the sights and celebrate everything that’s great about Portsmouth.

Becky, who works as a primary school teacher, hopes that her training will keep her motivated to lose a further two stone to reach her target weight loss.

She added: “Since my weight loss I’m much more positive, I enjoy going out and never worry about what to wear.

“Now when I get on a plane I even look at how much I can tighten the seatbelt!

“My training is going well. I have a personal trainer who I see weekly and I try to get to the gym at least three times a week.

“My mum was also recently diagnosed with heart failure, she is on the mend and doing so well but I decided I wanted to raise money for the British Heart Foundation as they do an amazing job.

“This is also great motivation to keep me training on days when I don’t feel as good.”

To support Becky’s fundraising, visit:

Every runner has a story, it’s time to start yours. Enter the Simplyhealth Great South Run at: