Book Author To Take On Simplyhealth Great East Run

For more information about the Simplyhealth Great East Run, which is now sold out, visit:
A 50-year-old Dad who has written his very first book about the highs and lows of his life will take part in Simplyhealth Great East Run.
Mark Lankester, from Ipswich, started writing the book called “Running Out of Time” last year as he approached his 50th birthday.
The story is about growing up in the seventies and eighties, sport, and popular culture. Running is a constant thread throughout the story and he uses football and running as metaphors for life.
Mark's book shortly focuses on the midlife period of his life as he dealt with getting older and looks back on earlier days and the path that lead him to start running. He hopes to donate some of the proceeds to mental health charity Mind.
He also mentions funny incidents during his running journey, such as losing his car keys down a drain, accidently running through a nudist beach on holiday lots of humorous anecdotes that other runners could relate to.
The first chapter is called 'Passing the Baton' where he and his son are standing on the start line a local race in 2013.
Mark looks back on his life and popular culture until the story catches up and finishes on his 50th birthday, with his next challenge being the Simplyhealth Great East Run on Sunday 16 September.
Mark said: “Running is like life it can be fun, it can be boring, emotional, demanding, worthwhile and uplifting."
“I was 45 years old and my son was 18, that day in 2013, it was to be the last time I finished ahead of him in a race. I literally and metaphorically had a good run. It was time to pass on the baton as I reached my midlife years. But in reality I was not ready. I then embarked on a journey of reclaiming my youth. Sometimes it would be good, sometimes tough and even comical. It is only in the last year I have really accepted getting older and writing this book has been the main reason. It has been a real chance to take stock of life and put thing in to perspective.”
“I started running in 1997. Running became addictive and it made me feel so good. The beauty of running is you can fit it into a busy lifestyle. I have met so many great people and visited places I would have otherwise not have been.”
Mark has been running for 21 years and has taken part in over 200 races. He is currently part of Felixstowe Road Runners.

This is the first time he has taken on the Simplyhealth Great East Run and he is very excited about the prospect of running in his home town.
The Simplyhealth Great East Run course follows a scenic route that is suitable for runners of all abilities. The course starts and finishes on Russell Road and takes runners through many beautiful landmarks such as Holywells Park, Ipswich's vibrant waterfront, Orwell Bridge and Ipswich Town FC's Portman Road stadium.
Mark added: “Having lived in Ipswich all my life, it will be very special for me running past so many familiar landmarks.”
The book ends with a poem he wrote:
                  "I stared out of the classroom window into the sun,
                   if I escaped how far could I run. Liverpool ruled Europe,
                   Elvis was still King and I still did not know the square route of anything."
For more information about the Simplyhealth Great East Run, which is now sold out, visit: