Carlie Sheds 10 Stone And Signs Up To Bristol 10K

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A woman who lost a huge TEN STONE after being left humiliated following a nightmare theme park experience will take on her first 10k run this year at the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k.

Carlie Allan, from Bristol, saw her weight increase to 21 stone at her heaviest and after binge eating on takeaways, crisps and pastries.

She would regularly eat takeaway food every night, saying that her record was once 10 nights consecutively.

Carlie decided to change her life when she experienced a nightmare visit to Drayton Manor theme park where the ride attendee had to jump on top of the harness on the ride for it to fit over her.

The embarrassment gave Carlie the motivation she needed to want to change her eating lifestyle before she got married and hit 30-years-old.

She managed to shed 10 stone and slimmed down to a healthy 11 stone in weight by swapping her takeaways for healthy, clean alternatives.

Carlie also took up running and credits ‘the best thing she ever did’ to increase her confidence and fitness levels. After taking on her first 5k run last year, she was inspired to set herself a challenge in 2018 and signed up to the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k, which takes place on Sunday 13 May.

Carlie, 30, said: “I would have takeaways for tea, I remember the record being 10 nights in a row. “I just wouldn’t take note of what I was eating so it would be pastries, crisps, sandwiches, anything at all and I had no discipline.

“The original trigger for losing the weight was my wedding. I had always wanted to lose weight for this day but the lowest point mentally for me was when I went to Drayton Manor and the theme park attendee had to jump onto the harness to make it lock into place.

“My stomach was just too big. I was praying that he could do it so I didn’t have to do the walk of shame off the ride.

“I also often got on the bus to go to work and knew I was taking up two seats and I knew something had to change.

“I started following a clean eating rule, strictly vegetables, salad and fruit and limit my carbs.

“I managed to lose six and a half stone, before having my two children but then after that I went on to lose a further five stone and hit my ten stone weight loss by my 30th birthday party.

“I downloaded the couch to 5k app and put my heart and soul into learning to run, it’s physically and mentally the best I have ever done.”

Carlie will join over 13,000 participants for the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k when it returns to the city in May. Thousands of runners will look to start good and finish greater when they take on the 10k course that makes the most of the awe inspiring surroundings in the city, including the iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Carlie, who works as a Quality Assurance Manager, hopes that her 10k training will prepare her to take on her next challenge, as she aims to sign up to the Simplyhealth Great Bristol Half Marathon later in the year.

She added: “I couldn’t even run for the bus before and so taking up running was a huge challenge for me.

“I tried to take part in high intensity gym classes to help my weight loss as running scared me but I downloaded the Couch to 5k app and loved it.

“The first run on my own was scary but so rewarding mentally and a great motivation. Now I use it to one keep me physically fit but two also as a stress reliever, there’s nothing I love more than putting my trainers on and pounding the pavements after a long day at work, or a testing day with the kids.

“I ran my first ever running event last year in April and I just loved the buzz it gave me and was desperate for my next challenge. The Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k was the next natural step and I can’t wait.”

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