Ella Convinces Mum To Take On Manchester Challenge

To enter the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit greatrun.org/manchester

WHEN brave Ella Chadwick crossed the finish line of the Mini Great Manchester Run last year, it was one of the most heartwarming moments of the weekend.

The nine-year-old will be back for 2017 – and this time her mum Karen is joining in on the fun, as she takes on the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run 10k in the heart of the city centre on Sunday, 28 May.

It is no mean feat for Karen, 36, who has never ran before, but is determined to complete her goal as she, like Ella, will raise money for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity, which has cared for Ella since she was a baby.

Ella, from Whitworth in Rochdale, has been a patient at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital all of her life after she was born with Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome, a rare illness which causes kidney failure.

She was forced to have both of her kidneys removed and up until her life-saving transplant, she faced weekly hospital trips for dialysis.

Even after her transplant in May 2014, Ella suffered from mobility problems and had to learn how to support herself on her feet.

Ella completed the Mini Great Manchester Run last year, going over the finish line unaided in what was an emotional scene for all involved, and Karen feels that her own participation in the event – which boasts a half-marathon for the first time in 2017 – is the next logical step as they once again thank Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital for the care they have provided.

“It’s hard to put into words what they have done for us,” Karen added. “They have been Ella’s lifeline since she was born, and she will need them until she’s older. 

“I am looking forward to doing it, but I’m dreading it at the same time.

“I saw how much Ella enjoyed her experience last year and I can’t wait to cross that finish line.

“That feeling of doing something that I would not think possible – it’ll be great to do something that doesn’t come easy.”

To enter the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit greatrun.org/manchester