Ella’S Return To Manchester Run Is Inspiration To All

For more information about the Simplyhealth Junior and Mini Great Manchester Run and to enter, visit: Greatrun.org/Manchester

Brave Ella Chadwick, will be returning to the Simplyhealth Junior and Mini Great Manchester Run as part of her inspirational fundraising journey which has raised over £5,000 for Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity.

Ella, from Whitworth in Rochdale, is a regular at the Simplyhealth Junior and Mini Great Manchester Run and has been in the care of Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital since she was a baby.

Despite her smile and infectious personality, Ella has faced more challenges in the first 11 years of her life than most.

11-year-old Ella survived 40 gruelling operations before she was six-years-old, which resulted in her needing a lifesaving kidney donated from her grandmother.

Charity fundraiser Ella has been a patient at the hospital in Manchester all of her life after she was born with Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome, a rare disease which causes kidney failure.

She was forced to have both of her kidneys removed and went through six years of dialysis and multiple hospital trips each week up until her life-saving transplant.

Even after her transplant in May 2014, Ella suffered from mobility problems and had to learn how to support herself on her feet.

But she has never let that stop her and has dedicated her time to fundraising for the hospital’s charity to say thank you for the care she has received.

Ella will return to the popular children’s running event on the streets of Manchester’s city centre on the same day as thousands take part in the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run.

Ella’s mum Karen, 37, said: “It’s hard to put into words what the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital have done for us. They have been Ella’s lifeline since she was born and she will need them when she is older.

“Fundraising for them is the perfect way to repay them for what they have done and Ella absolutely loves taking part in the Simplyhealth Junior and Mini Great Manchester Run. It’s something that she looks forward to every year.

“Ella’s determination to be kind to others meant that she often visits other children in the hospital who are upset and sings to them to cheer them up, or get them a toy to make them happy.”

A year after her transplant, Ella was nominated to be an honorary starter at the Junior and Mini Great Manchester Run and took part in the event for the very first time.

Since then, she has made the run a must-do in her calendar every year. Her fundraising efforts and determination earned her a Pride of Britain Award in 2018 and she has raised £5,000 for the hospital.

Children aged 3-15 take on the 2.5k and 1.5k courses through the city centre on the same day as the famous Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run.

The event is popular with budding runners, school friends and charity champions, who want to do something to show them what they’re made of.

Young runners will follow some of the same route that the half marathon and 10k participants will set off on throughout the day.

Kids can expect an electric atmosphere from the city’s incredible supporters, as well as the huge anthems that will give them a boost as they head down the finishing straight.

Karen, who was also inspired by her daughter to take part in the 10k event in 2017, added: “We have never been an athletic family, but Ella has completely inspired us to take on our own challenges.

“For her first run, we knew she would need a walking frame to get through the course but she was adamant she would do it.

“She absolutely loves the event and always has a beaming smile when she crosses the finish line. The fact she can now walk across the line without her frame is a huge achievement in itself for her. It was a very special moment.

“We have such fond memories of the event that we always make sure we come and take part to celebrate how far Ella has come.

“She has the most amazing spirit and we’re all so proud of her.”

For more information about the Simplyhealth Junior and Mini Great Manchester Run and to enter, visit: Greatrun.org/Manchester