Ellen To Tackle 13.1 Miles For The Christie

To join Ellen on the start line on Sunday, 20 May, visit greatrun.org/Manchester

A Bury woman will take on her first-ever half marathon to raise money for the cancer centre that cared for two generations of her family.

Ellen Talbot has signed up for Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run half marathon on Sunday 20 May and will fundraise for The Christie, who looked after her mum after her cancer diagnosis last year and her grandma, who underwent cancer treatment 40 years ago.

The 26-year-old, who previously took part in the 10K at the Great Manchester Run in 2015, will return to the city centre event after rediscovering running to help her deal with a traumatic time which saw her dad die just two days after her mum was given her cancer diagnosis.

Ellen said: “I was going out running to clear my head and keep moving and try and get back into a normal routine after I lost my dad. I was getting to the point where I was running quite a long way but not really for anything.

“I was finding it hard to keep pushing myself, so I thought if I had something to run for I was more likely to keep it up and run further and keep up my training, rather than saying I’d proved I can run.

“It seemed worthwhile that I also put my running towards something so that is why I’m running for The Christie.”
Ellen has chosen the 13.1-mile event instead of the 10k distance at Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run because she wanted to take herself out of the comfort zone and set herself a challenge.

She added: “I’m a bit nervous about stepping up the distance but I wanted to do something more.

“When I did the 10K I did it through work because a lot of other people were doing it. This time I thought I needed to do something bigger because of everything that has happened, I needed to step it up.

“It’s really important to raise money for The Christie. I didn’t realise at the time, but they were the ones that did my grandma’s chemotherapy 40 years ago, they did my mum’s chemotherapy last year, and especially since they had the big fire, last year I thought it was the most worthwhile cause I could do it for.”

Ellen revealed that her grandma and mum are in excellent health – with her mum celebrating her recovery by taking an extended holiday in Australia, which Ellen jokingly called her ‘gap year.’

She said: “The two of them – my mum and grandma – are very much here and alive and kicking, it’s a lot down to The Christie.

“My mum went to Australia on her gap year, rubbing it in while I trained in the cold. She’s got a whole new lease of life – she’s got married, got a new car, she’s gone on her honeymoon travelling around Australia.

“The Christie were supportive in every aspect of this. Once she was better the support carried on. She’s back on her feet, she’s confident that she’s well again and she’s cleared off to Australia in a campervan. She’ll be there on the day to cheer me on.

“Hopefully it’s going to be a nice day and a nice atmosphere. It’ll be good. I know a couple of other people taking part and it’ll be nice to see them on the day too.”

To donate to Ellen’s fundraising campaign, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ellen-talbot1

To join Ellen on the start line on Sunday, 20 May, visit greatrun.org/Manchester