From The Office To The Finish Line: Accountants Team Up For The AJ Bell Great Bristol Run

A team of eight colleagues from Bristol-based accountancy firm, Corrigan, will take on this year’s AJ Bell Great Bristol Run on Sunday 14 May to boost their wellbeing and embrace more active lifestyles.

“The nature of our work means we’re sat at our desks for most of the day, so this is great motivation for us to get active and get outside, which we all know is really important for our overall wellbeing,” said Business Services Accountant, Will Binnington.

While some are more experienced runners than others, the Corrigan Runners are united by their aim of taking on the challenge and have found their training to be a bonding experience.

“The Great Bristol Run has spurred us on to start a weekly lunchtime running club,” explains Business Services Accountant Charlotte Gray. “Some of us meet up outside of work and do a local Saturday Park Run together. This has been a great opportunity to build friendships and help bring us together as a team.”

Office and Marketing Administrator, Amy Megicks, has embraced the chance to get to know her colleagues better.

“Being new to Corrigan, this is a good experience to socialise with my new colleagues while building my fitness,” she says. “I particularly look forward to running around Bristol Harbourside together on sunny days.”

Holding each other to account

Audit Accountant Phil Gravatt started running during lockdown, but he eventually lost the impetus to keep it up. He’s embraced the opportunity to improve his fitness and is driven by the motivation he gets from being part of a team.

“I’m looking forward to crossing the finish line and that feeling of pride in doing something I’ve never done before.”

Tax Accountant Jon Taylor adds: “As we’ve entered as a team, the first four to cross the line creates our team time, which has really motivated me to push myself, as I don’t want to let my team down.”

As well as his drive to do well for his colleagues, Jon enjoys the benefits running brings to his well-being.

“When I’m running, I can mentally detach from everyday life. I just went for a run at lunch and not once did I think about work.”

Manager Claire Palmer particularly likes the flexibility of running.

“I can easily fit it into my schedule,” she explains. “I don’t have to book a class or wait for anyone else, I can just pop my trainers on, put a podcast on and go out when it suits me.

“But I’m terrible at getting out for a run if I don’t have an event booked in, so signing up for this helps motivate me to actually put my trainers on and leave the house! I’d love to achieve a PB on the day, but I need to sort myself out if I have a hope of that!”

Executive Assistant Molly White enjoys the chance to get moving.

“I’ve tried meditation, but I just can’t go along with being still. Whereas when running I can clear my mind while being active. Also, the more running I do the more pasta I can eat!”

Trainee Accountant, Charlie Howlett, finds it satisfying to check his running statistics and route on Strava. He’s given himself a target for the race and, when asked what he’s looking forward to most, he says it’s the “whole day, from start to finish.”

“The atmosphere, the music, passing all the Bristol landmarks, the Jamaican drums and the celebrations after.”

Amy adds: “After the race I’d love to keep going for further distances … Maybe next year we can enter the Half Marathon?”


The AJ Bell Great Bristol Run Business Challenge is open for entries. Any group of four or more colleagues ready for a new challenge can sign up as a team and get ready to join the start line. There’s no maximum number of team members and the finishing times of the fastest four members are used to calculate the overall team time.

As well as encouraging a healthy outlook for staff, training for a 10k or Half Marathon is an opportunity for team-building and to take home a first-place Business Challenge plaque to display with pride.

To find out more and to enter visit our Business Challenge page.