Ian’S Bristol 10K While Fighting 11 Brain Tumours

Every runner has a story, it’s time to start yours. Enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k at: Greatrun.org/Bristol10k

A father-of-five who was diagnosed with terminal cancer has vowed to keep running to fundraise for charity despite having 11 brain tumours and only one lung.

Ian Brown, from Gloucester, was diagnosed with a rare combination of cancers in 2014, following a visit to his GP after feeling unwell.

He was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumour on his lung and in September that year, he underwent an operation in September to remove his right lung along with 21 lymph nodes.

He was then dealt a further devastating blow in 2016 that the cancer had spread to his brain, with him requiring intensive surgery to remove one brain tumour and contain the remaining eleven.

Despite his condition being terminal, Ian remains determined to inspire other cancer patients not to give up and set about fundraising for Cancer Research UK through running events.

He ran the London Marathon in 2016, along with half marathons and 10ks, despite being initially told that running in his condition would be extremely difficult.

Just two weeks after having brain surgery, which removed part of his skull, Ian was back running at his local organised run with his son, determined to not let the disease define him.

He has raised £60,000 for Cancer Research UK through his fundraising efforts, with his next challenge being the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k on Sunday 13 May.

Ian, 51, said: “I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2014 after I felt unwell and visited the doctors.

“I never expected to be given a cancer diagnosis, even when I was told they had found a shadow on my lung.

“I was told then that it would be difficult for me to make a full recovery from this type of cancer but in September 2014 I went through surgery to remove my right lung and 21 lymph nodes as it had already spread.

“It was the next year that I started running to raise funds, awareness and hope, despite being told it would be difficult for me and that running long distances would be impossible.

“In 2016, I was due to run the New York Marathon but I collapsed while out running.

“Sadly my cancer had spread to my brain and had developed into 12 tumours. I underwent surgery which removed a large tumour and part of my skull. I also went through intensive Gamma Knife Radiotherapy as palliative care to contain the other this March.

“Two days after the Gamma Knife , I was back running to try and get some normality back to life and to give hope to other patients.

“My running ability is a lot more limited as my cancer journey continues, but I am determined to keep going and to take on the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k.”

Ian will join 13,000 others who are taking on a challenge at the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k, whatever their pace or motivation.

Runners will start good and finish greater when they take on the scenic course through the awe-inspiring surroundings of Bristol, including the Avon Gorge and the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Ian, who is a company Director and is Dad to five children ,the youngest being seven-year-old twins Freddy and Lily-May, added: “When I went for my treatment initially, I noticed the equipment had a Cancer Research UK sign on it and I wanted to fundraise to make sure the clinical teams had money to allow them to beat cancer sooner.

“Running keeps me both physically and mentally strong and every run is a success for me! My wish is simple, that our children grow up to not fear cancer as our generation does.

“I always say I am living with cancer, as although mine is terminal I am not gone yet.

“Running has done wonders for me and I feel more alive now even though I have terminal cancer! I took on the Simplyhealth Great Bristol Half Marathon last year and loved it so I knew I had to tackle the 10k in the spring.”

To support Ian’s fundraising, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ian-brown68

Every runner has a story, it’s time to start yours. Enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k at: Greatrun.org/Bristol10k