Kelly Sheds Weight To Take On 10K With This Mum Runs

Join the This Mum Runs Community on the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k startline by entering here:

A mum has dropped three dress sizes after going from a couch potato to a 10k runner thanks to a free women’s running community in Bristol and Bath.

Kelly Pike, from south Bristol, went from a size 16 to a size 10-12 within six months thanks to the popular group, This Mum Runs.

She began her running journey last September after she struggled to lose the weight she had gained following the birth of her second child Liberty.

Kelly had never taken on running before and would always cheer at the sidelines when her husband Henry would take on running events with his local running club.

After hearing about the This Mum Run’s beginner programme from a friend who had gone from a non-runner to a 5k distance, she decided to attend a session to kick-start her fitness.

In just half a year, Kelly has transformed herself into a confident runner who is ready to take on her first 10k running challenge at the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k on Sunday 7 May.

Kelly, 35, said: “Before September, I had never ran before or wanted to run and I would always stand and cheer my husband on from the sidelines as he took part in running events.

“After the birth of my second child, I really struggled with my weight and self esteem. I had no confidence and I began to gain weight, soon I was a size 16.

“I eventually heard about This Mum Runs through someone who had gone through their Run30 programme, where you learn to confidently tackle a 5km distance.

“I decided to sign up with my friends and began to learn to run by walking and jogging for three minutes at a time.

“This type of programme baffled my husband who actually laughed at first when I told him about running for three minutes and stopping, but I wanted to get into something that was away from the scary and competitive running clubs.

“I enjoyed the social element and the empowerment of running together with women just like me. I began running right at the back of the group but I was never left behind.

“I finished the Run30 course and then progressed onto the Run60 and now I am improving my technique to go onto the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k.”

Kelly will join over 12,000 others at the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k, which returns to the city this spring.

Participants will be taken on a scenic tour of the city centre before heading out along the Avon Gorge and under the iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge.

The inclusive event also features the Simplyhealth Great Bristol Family Run, where children and their families can enjoy being active together.

The This Mum Runs community currently has over 6,500 members of all shapes, sizes and abilities, who take part in 90 free runs every month across Bristol and Bath.

Kelly, who is also mum to three-year-old Rafferty, recently won an award at the community for being the most inspiring course graduate.

She added: “Sometimes when we have children, we lose our way a little bit and forget who we are because we have other people who are dependant on us.

“I feel that my weekly training run with women who are in the same position as me gives me some head space away from the hectic side of work and family life.

“After taking on the next stage of my training with the Run60 course, I focus on my core and interval training to improve my speed as well as taking on local runs like the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k.

“I have the amazing community to thank for my improvement because through them it has made me realise that when you are struggling you are never alone if you are part of This Mum Runs.”

Enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k or the Simplyhealth Great Bristol Family Run here: