Marie’S Bristol 10K Means She’S A Runnerfullstop

Every runner has a story, it’s time to start yours. To enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k, visit:

A mum whose mental health deteriorated after she was left homeless following eviction has managed to turn her life around and use her experience to help others by taking up running to improve her headspace.

Marie Bailey, from Bishopsworth, became stressed, tired and run down in 2016 after she received a no-fault eviction notice from her landlord and was officially classed as homeless by the council.

Marie, who is a mum-of-three, was left feeling a failure for not providing a roof over the head of her children and began to suffer from stress and anxiety.

Fortunately, the family were re-housed later in the year and Marie decided to take up running to help improve her own mental health.

She joined women’s running community This Mum Runs in 2017, where she trained as a volunteer Run Angel as she wanted the opportunity to make friends and meet new people in the area where she lived.

Since then, she has never looked back and now regularly runs with her children in local organised events, as well as with the This Mum Runs training sessions.

Marie’s next challenge will be the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k on Sunday 13 May, where she will take part with a huge group of TMR members.

Marie, 40, said: “In 2016 we received a section 21 from our landlord which is a no fault eviction notice. This effectively led us to being classed as homeless.

“Although my maintaining a roof over our head was not our fault, it felt like it. I felt like a failure not being able to provide a secure home for my three children.

“This shock caused a lot of stress and pressure on my shoulders as we had no idea where we would be going.

“We were fortunate to be housed in September 2017 and I feel very blessed this was even possible.

“Thankfully we are now secure and love the place we now call home.

“I decided to explore the things that I wanted to achieve for myself which have been on the back burner as I didn’t even realise how low my mental health had been. This is when I decided to start running and this lead to my involvement with This Mum Runs.

“I joined them in 2017 at the BS4 Brislington group. I wanted the opportunity to meet other mums who ran and lived locally. It can be hard to make new friends and opportunities can be limited.

“I now run twice a week with my son and one training run a week. I always value the time we spend together and share the joy of achieving something.

“This Mum Runs have been a tremendous support and it has been very central to my running journey. It just wouldn’t be the same without them now. It’s also because of them I’ve signed up to so many new challenges this year.”

Marie will take on the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k with a huge team of This Mum Runs members. She is supporting This Mum Runs’ RunnerFullStop campaign, where they aim to empower more women to believe in themselves and when it comes to running, age, size shape and pace doesn’t matter.

She will join thousands of runners who will conquer a 10k challenge in Bristol this Spring, whatever their pace or motivation.

13,000 people will start good and finish greater as they take on a scenic course through the awe-inspiring surroundings of the city.

Marie, who works as a family support worker, added: “Unfortunately the situation we went through is happening more and more for families in Bristol who rent as single parents are struggling to earn enough money to pay for this.

“I have used this personal experience to help support other parents who are now going through this themselves. Hopefully my experience can make it easier for the next person to go through.

“I am so excited to run the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k. I’ve also been encouraging other ladies to sign up to do it with me.

“Running is not just about speed or distance, it’s about wellbeing and taking time out for yourself, it’s about friendship and support.

“Running for me gives me the time to think, to focus on myself, to remind myself that I am strong both mentally and physically. This Mum Runs has become very central to my life and I now have the opportunity to help support others in their journeys.”

This Mum Runs are encouraging all women to share their own running experiences by using #RunnerFullStop.

Every runner has a story, it’s time to start yours. To enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k, visit: