Michelle Runs Bristol 10K In Memory Of Younger Sister

Enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k at: Greatrun.org/Bristol10k

A woman is set to take on the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k in memory of her younger sister who she tragically lost to bowel cancer.

Michelle Peacock, from Kingswood in Bristol, lost her younger sister Deb in 2012 at the young age of 27. Deb passed away at St Peter’s Hospice after a short and dignified battle with bowel cancer, after being diagnosed two years earlier.

After initially thinking she had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Deb’s symptoms worsened, and she was eventually sent for a colonoscopy and she was given the devastating news that she had cancer after a large tumour was found.

Further tests revealed she had a rare condition, Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) which left untreated can become cancerous.

Following gruelling cancer treatment over the two years, including surgery, she was told her cancer was terminal.

Despite the diagnosis at such a young age, Deborah remained positive and determined throughout and since her passing, her attitude has inspired her sister Michelle to fundraise to support others going through cancer.

Michelle will run the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k on Sunday 13 May in her sister’s memory and is determined to run the event to the finish line, something she has struggled with in the past.

Michelle, 36, said: “Deb died almost 6 years ago but I still have not accepted this and I’m not sure that I ever will.

“Every day is another day that I can’t speak to her. Our family is broken and the effect of this on my parents, my brother and myself is irreparable.

“Family days such as Christmas and birthdays are particularly difficult, but we try our best to remember the good times we had with her.

“She was exceptionally glamorous, her smile reached every corner of the room and she turned heads. I couldn’t have been prouder to have her as my sister.

“Deb became ill in 2010 and she was diagnosed with bowel cancer and she was soon told that is was terminal. She never complained, she remained positive and determined to battle it, which she did in true Deborah style.

“She never gave up and she fought right up until the end. She loved nothing more than being with her friends and family. She died in St Peter’s Hospice age just 27.

“As with any cancer treatment, it was brutal. She had surgeries which included a liver resection and bowel surgery both of which proved futile.

“There were times when she was in so much pain and there was nothing anyone could do. She was a hairstylist and her hair was her crowning glory. Fortunately she didn’t lose her hair but she suffered with excruciating pain.

“Following Deb’s passing I did a 10k not long after she died but I could not run at all, it was too emotionally draining so I decided to enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k as I am determined to run all the way to the finish for her.”

Michelle will join 13,000 others who will conquer a 10k challenge in Bristol this spring, whatever their pace or motivation.

Thousands of people will start good and finish greater when they take on the scenic course through the awe-inspiring surroundings of the city, including the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Michelle, who works as a legal executive, added: “I have been in training for the 10k since February and this time I am confident I will be able to run 10k so that Deb would be proud of me.

“Somewhere, someone else is going through the exact same thing as what our family went through. If I can help to raise money and awareness that may lead to an earlier diagnosis or better treatment then it has to be worth it.

“I can’t change Deborah’s life but it’s not too late for me to help someone else.”

To support Michelle’s fundraising for Cancer Research UK, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/michelle-peacock2

Enter the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k at: Greatrun.org/Bristol10k