Nothing’s weighing Cameron down running the Great Scottish Half Marathon for Spinal Muscular Atrophy – LED

Shining a light on Spinal Muscular Atrophy – Lower Extremity Dominant (SMA – LED), Cameron McGregor will be running the AJ Bell Half Marathon on Sunday 1 October in Glasgow to raise awareness on this rare motor neuron disease. 

Cameron’s daughter Amber, aged 1 ½, was born with this rare type of SMA – LED, affecting her ability to achieve key milestones such as crawling, walking, and sitting up; making daily life that bit more complicated.  With thanks to The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow and the Charity SMA UK, Amber, Cameron and his wife Rebecca have received specialist support and equipment, to connecting with the few families round the world who also have loved ones living with the condition.

Cameron is hoping to raise as much money as he can via his go fund me page  and dedicated Instagram page, to help other families learn more about the disease, access specialist equipment & SMA – LED experts, and fund much needed research & clinical trials so that one day there may be a cure.

“I ran the half marathon last year and really enjoyed it, so this year I’m giving myself the added challenge of running with a 10kg weighted vest.  Pack Performance in Paisley have set me a training plan, but honestly, it’s not about finishing with any particular time, I’ll pace myself and just want to finish in hopefully under 4 hours”.

Waiting at the finishing line will be Amber, Rebecca and their son Jaxon, all cheering Cameron and his weighted vest on!