Renata Herbaly has been encouraged by dog, Max to take part in the 2023 AJ Bell Great South Run

Renata Herbaly credits her participation in the 2023 AJ Bell Great South Run mostly to her dog, Max.

The 35-year-old will be running the event for the first time with her partner, Steve Bayley (46), in order to raise money and awareness for Hampshire Search & Rescue Dogs.

The couple live in Southsea, Portsmouth with their dog, Max, who is a trainee search dog. Max, Renata and Steve are training to assist police and emergency services in finding missing vulnerable people.

Hampshire Search & Rescue are a volunteer service on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They find at-risk people of all ages, including those suffering from mental health conditions, dementia, and other vulnerabilities.

Renata and Steve started volunteering with Max in 2022 and have not looked back. Renata explained that providing support to their community offers them a sense of fulfillment, and they wanted to share this with others:.

We wanted to help raise awareness and money for this amazing team that we are now a part of”

Max has also been instrumental to Renata’s training for the Great South Run. Unlike partner Steve, she finds running difficult, but training with a companion has helped to make it much easier.

He makes me get out of the front door and go for a run and he loves running along the seafront. He is such a good distraction and motivation for the run.”

The AJ Bell Great South Run is probably the world’s favourite 10-miler, with inspiring history, salty air and glorious sea views guaranteed. Portsmouth’s supporters will keep your spirits and motivation up the whole way round, with blaring music, cheers, high fives, fist bumps all part of the incredible AJ Bell Great South Run experience. Learn more and sign up here.