Running Mums To Make Their 10K Debuts

To sign up for the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit

A TEAM of around 20 mums on the run will take on the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run after joining a women-only running group.

This Mum Can Fitness was launched by Sale entrepreneur Becca Broadbent in October last year, and the personal trainer has recruited a score of women to take part in the 10k event on Sunday, 28 May.

Becca, 34, launched her business after her own personal struggle with fitness after giving birth to her two children. She joined a fitness class 12 weeks after the birth of her daughter and, nine months later, was back to her pre-pregnancy weight.

Now, Becca is determined to get more mums running – and is using Manchester’s greatest run as the target.

She said: “My aim is to make personal training affordable to everyone and help mums recognise their potential.

“The whole ethos is about making mums realise they can do anything, be anyone and surprise themselves.  I also want to impart my love of running on others as I’m a huge believer in the idea that everyone can run, as long as they have the right tools and training.

“I was made redundant whilst on maternity leave with my second baby and I decided to use it as an opportunity to do something that I love and am really passionate about.

“I now want to help mums on their own fitness journeys and meet their own goals and at the same time, give them the opportunity that I had – to be able to meet new people, get some support and get active.”

Becca and a squad of 20 mums will be pounding the pavements of Manchester on Sunday, 28 May, in the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, which has grown to be the biggest in Europe.

She said: “It’s one of Manchester’s best days and I’m looking forward to taking part again. Last year, I ran with my mum, who is 60, she’d never done a 10k before so we ran together in Manchester.

“This year I’ll be running with people who, 22 weeks ago, couldn’t run for a minute, now they’ll be running for an hour.

“The Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run is an excellent event, everything about it is so inspiring and the atmosphere is fantastic.”

To sign up for the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit

  • For more information on This Mum Can Fitness, visit