Siblings Start Fundraising Challenge At Manchester Run

Actress Vickie Myers is preparing for her most adventurous role yet – pushing her severely disabled brother Fran more than 60 miles for charity.

Their first challenge is the Morrisons Great Manchester Run on Sunday, May 10, when Fran, who has cerebral palsy, will be guided round the course in his wheelchair.

That is only a warm up for the Marple pair who will undertake the 10k distance no fewer than 10 times within two months.

Fran and Vickie, who is filming a Sky drama and has appeared in many TV commercials including a recent supermarket ad with Peter Andre, want to raise £10,000 for Beechwood Cancer Care as part of a Silver Wing Appeal for the charity's 25th anniversary.

Vickie said: "It's a huge challenge for both of us and we did the Manchester Run together last year to see how we'd cope. A lot of people think the pressure's on me but it's actually on Fran because of his disability.

"He endures the Run and has no control over his muscles because of his lack of motor skills so is completely dependent on carers. Last year he was exhausted and it took him three days to recover but he was thrilled to be part of such a big occasion which really touches the heart. 

"Everyone's helping each other to get around the course and it doesn't matter how long it takes – it's mainly about raising money for good causes and Beechwood is a wonderful charity.  

"I'm a Mancunian and it's a great event for the city. The level of support for everyone is amazing and that fantastic atmosphere is so heart-warming."

Stockport CP Society is allowing Fran, aged 34, and Vickie to train at Woodbank Park as part of an arrangement set up by Alan Dilkes, of Stockport Harriers.

Vickie added: "All our other 10k events will be on the Woodbank track because other runs aren't disabled friendly, apart from the Manchester event."

Beechwood Cancer Care is close to Vickie's heart after she became aware of the centre following successful treatment for malignant melanoma five years ago.

Best friend Sue Burns, from Marple, who has breast cancer and uses the centre, will be among the spectators on May 10 cheering them both on. To donate to the Myers challenge go to

This is still time to enter the Morrisons Great Manchester Run by visiting

* Caption: Fran Myers with (from left) – Julie Abbott (Stockport Cerebral Palsy), sister Vickie and Alan Dilkes (Club Secretary, Stockport Harriers).