Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run – Statement

Following consultation with the Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council, the Great Run Company can confirm that the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run events on Sunday 28 May will go ahead as planned.

All event entrants will receive a detailed pre event communication by email in the next 48 hours regarding plans for Sunday which may differ from those previously issued.

All planned start times will remain as scheduled.

A full security review is being undertaken with Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council and additional measures will be in place.

Manchester City Council's Executive Member for Culture and Leisure, Councillor Luthfur Rahman, said: "The Great CityGames and Great Manchester Run are two of the real highlights of Manchester's sporting calendar.

“We know that thousands of Mancunians have been looking forward to taking part, or cheering the athletes on, so I am pleased and proud to confirm that these fantastic events will be held as planned this weekend.

"Manchester is a truly resilient city and we look forward to successfully hosting these great sporting events, with the support of Greater Manchester Police."