Super Slimmer David Sets A Date For Birmingham

To enter the Great Birmingham 10k, click here.

SUPERSLIMMER David Archer will put his new-found confidence to good use when he laces up his running shoes to take part in the Great Birmingham 10k this year.

The Birmingham father-of-two weighed in at a whopping 35st two years ago, but has slimmed down by 14st, now tipping the scales at a much healthier 21st.

Unable to even walk a few hundred yards without taking a breather a couple of years ago, 47-year-old David is now preparing for the 10km run through the centre of Birmingham, which takes place on May 1.

David, formerly a rugby player before a leg infection ended his playing days, used to run 10ks regularly but has not taken part in one for 25 years.

But now, thanks to regular visits to WeightWatchers, the accountant is fighting fit and looking forward to pounding the streets of the second city.

“I've always been a big fella, I'm 6ft 3 and broad,” explained David, who is raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. “I just gained weight over several years. I got into bad habits in terms of lifestyle choice. 

“I finished playing rugby, I was quite sporty, and then over a number of years I had to stop because I got a nasty leg infection, and then bad habits crept in from there. It was the right time for me to do it. 

“I was quite determined and quite focused to do it. In the end I started walking more frequently, and joined a gym three months ago.”
David's remarkable weight loss equates to the same weight as his son, Ben, 19, and the pair posed for pictures wearing David's old clothes.

And the determined dad explained that it was a trip to watch a boxing event that gave him a wake-up call to make a positive change.

He said: “The main reason I started to lose the weight was when I visited the Copper Box Arena at the Olympic Park for a boxing event. Any time I used to go out I used to do a bit of research and find out how much walking was involved to get somewhere because I used to dread it. 

“It was only three-quarters of a mile, a dead flat walk from the car park to the arena, and I had to stop five times to get my breath. I was covered in sweat. I just thought ‘I can't do this anymore, this is ridiculous'.” 

David has chosen the Great Birmingham 10k as it will be a good incentive for him to lose more weight – his target weight is 16st 12, 50% of his original weight.

“I went to watch the Birmingham 10k last year and it looked quite good,” added David, who is running for Macmillan after his mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. “Someone else that I know from WeightWatchers ended up doing the half marathon and it inspired me to do this. 

“When I was early 20s, I really enjoyed doing them.

"It reaffirms how far I've come. I'm determined to do it, I will do it, I'm not particularly bothered about what time I do it in, but I've got every intention of completing it. I'm very much looking forward to taking part."

“My cousin is going to do it with me as well and she's had breast cancer too. We haven't seen each other in a while but we're going to plod around together. 

“I've got another 3½ stone to go. I'm just knocking the pounds off one at a time. The support I've had from WeightWatchers has provided me with the direction I've needed.

“It has totally changed my life.”

To enter the Great Birmingham 10k, click here.

To donate to David's chosen charity, click here.