Teachers To Take On Extra Curricular Activity

To take part in the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit greatrun.org/Manchester

A PE teacher and his colleagues will take on an extra-curricular activity in May, when they run 10k at the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run.

Andy Richardson and 32 of his colleagues from William Hulme’s Grammar School in Whalley Range, will go up against other companies in the event’s business challenge on Sunday, 28 May.

The staff are raising money for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity, who treated Andy’s son, Henry, after pregnancy complications resulted in him suffering with major brain bleeds.

Unfortunately, Henry’s twin brother Teddy only lived a few hours before passing away.

Andy said: “During my wife’s pregnancy there were complications which led to my son Teddy only surviving a few hours and left Henry with major brain bleeds.

“This has had a catastrophic effect on Henry, who has had hydrocephalus, is partially sighted and has quadriplegic cerebral palsy.

“Henry has had several stays and brain operations at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, including an insertion of a shunt. He’s also been treated for meningitis that was caused by his treatment of his hydrocephalus.

“He is doing very well despite all his medical needs. He is a really happy, laid back little boy.”

This is the first time that William Hulme’s has entered a team into the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run business challenge, and they are hoping to raise £2,500.

Andy continued: “As well as the fantastic care that the hospital has shown Henry, it’s also the school’s local hospital. So, whenever a student is taken to hospital they tend to go to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. So it’s a great charity for us to support.

“Some of us have done the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run individually in the past, but we thought that it would be a good opportunity for us to raise money as a team, and take part in a fun event regardless of athletic ability.

“There are some members of staff who are just hoping to get around in a reasonable time, but we also have a few very competitive members of staff who will be hoping to get a personal best, and even some friendly rivals hoping to out-run one another.”

The staff will go up against other businesses in the region to be the fastest over the 10k distance.

Lucy Naylor, Events Manager at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity comments: “We are thrilled that Andy and his colleagues at William Hulme’s Grammar School will be joining Team Humphrey at this year’s Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run.

“It’s really inspiring that Andy is so dedicated to giving back to the hospital, after everything his family has been through. The money raised by Andy and his colleagues will be well spent in continuing to provide the very best environment for young, poorly patients at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.”

Last year, more than 250 companies and organisations entered more than 3,300 runners into the business challenge.

There are different prize categories and all businesses that enter 12 or more people into the event will receive a free engraved plaque to present to their fastest runner.

To take part in the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit greatrun.org/Manchester