Why Easter is an egg-cellent time to get running

It’s officially Springtime

Since 20 March, we’ve been able to say that it’s officially Spring, and with the arrival of this glorious season comes better weather, more daylight and an undeniable mental lift.

Yes, it happens every year, but it’s easy to forget the positive impact sunshine, singing birds and trees coming into bud can have until they’re right in front of you. Perhaps you’ve already felt it – but if not, step outside, take a deep breath and see where your run takes you.

Bank holidays everywhere you look

Hands up who’s egg-cited for a long weekend and not one but *two* days off? We are – for us, long weekends mean free time…and free time means more opportunities to go running.

If you’re normally a run-after-work kind of person, mix things up and try an early morning or lunchtime run. Or reverse it: if you’re a morning runner, treat yourself to a lie-in and an extra coffee and see how it feels to head out in the afternoon or evening. You know what they say: a change is as good as a rest.

Easter playlist opportunities

Easter doesn’t have the obvious musical connections that Christmas or summer might have, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had in creating an Easter-themed playlist. (Running while wearing bunny ears is optional, however – and some might argue a step too far…)

Suggestions from the Great Run team include (Every Bunny Was) Kung Fu Fighting, We Found Eggs In A Hopeless Place, Beat It, I Wanna Dance With Some Bunny and I Whip My Hare Back and Forth (OK, so not *technically* a bunny pun, but close enough). How many can you think of?

Spot something new in nature

Easter is the perfect time to explore some new running routes and get off the beaten track onto canal paths, woodland, parks and coastal trails. While you’re out there, keep your eyes peeled for signs of Spring: flowers like bluebells, wood anemones, cowslips, wild garlic and more.

The Woodland Trust has a list of 14 early flowering plants and shrubs – some familiar, some not-so-familiar – if you fancy the challenge of spotting something new.

Enjoy your Easter treats 

Whatever your Easter traditions and treats -– a big family Sunday dinner, more chocolate than you can shake a stick at – enjoy them all the more knowing that you’re balancing indulgence with plenty of activity. Eggercise makes chocolate taste even better – it’s a fact!

What are your running plans this Easter? Whatever you get up to, tag us @Great_Run and let us know.