8 Reasons To Sign Up For The Great Birmingham Run

There's just one month to go until the Simplyhealth Great Birmingham Run – and if you haven't signed up already, here are some great reasons why you should.

It's not too late to sign up to take part in this year's Simplyhealth Great Birmingham Run.

The biggest half marathon in the Midlands will take place on Sunday, October 14, bringing thousands of runners to the city.

Whether you are a regular runner looking to smash your PB, or a newbie who fancies a bit of extra exercise and an opportunity to rise to a fresh challenge – this 13.1 mile event caters for all.

Here are eight amazing reasons why Simplyhealth Great Birmingham Run 2018 is going to be especially spectacular.

It's going back to Broad Street

Organisers at the Great Run Company – who also host the Great North Run – are proud to let you know that they have listened to your feedback about previous half marathon courses, and worked on a new and improved route for this year's event.

In a reverse of previous routes which finished along Broad Street, the event will now start on the city's Golden Mile before taking runners DOWN the infamous hill of Lee Bank Middleway; once a challenging incline near the end of the half marathon.

Runners rejoice!

Beat your own personal best

If you're looking to finish the 2018 running season by setting your brand new personal best, then the Great Birmingham Run is a great choice.

The course is a mix of of both gentle inclines and a lot of downhill sections, with slight inclines just after the halfway mark.

It's not just for adults, it's for all the family

Hundreds of young runners will be able to enjoy a great day of sporting activity in the city centre, as junior and mini runs will also be taking place on Jennens Road on the same day as the half marathon.

The 1.5K Mini Run is open to children of all abilities aged 3 – 8 and the 2.5K Junior Run is open to 9 – 15-year-olds.

All participants will get a T-shirt in advance and a medal as soon as they cross the finish line.

Meet the Blues trio running for a very special reason

A trio of devoted 'Blues Brothers' are joining forces to take on the run and raise money for a cause that has touched many City supporters' hearts.

Former Birmingham players Paul Robinson, Paul Tait will be running the 13.1-mile course alongside Paul Devlin to help raise £20,000 to fund lifesaving treatment for his 12-year-old daughter Annie, who suffers from Addison's Disease, a rare disorder of the adrenal glands.

Since the trio announced just last week that they would be swapping their footy boots for running shoes, Annie's fundraising page has been inundated with donations, with a staggering £7,000 being added to the total.

'We're so lucky she's still here' The moving reason this ex-Birmingham City star needs your support

"The support we've been getting is amazing and very humbling,” said Devlin, who revealed that Annie is lucky to be alive after suffering an adrenal crisis last December.

"Fifteen years as a pro takes its toll on your joints and running 13.1miles will not be easy.

"As for Tait, he rarely plays charity matches these days because his knee blows up to the size of a football.

"Robbo may have to carry us the last few miles!"

To hear more about Annie's story or sponsor the team, you can visit their sponsorship page.

Sleek slimmer Dann is taking on his first half marathon after losing five stone

After being told by the doctors that his life was at risk due to his weight, Dann Sullivan joined Slimming World and lost an incredible 5st 2lbs.

The Solihull electrician was crowed Slimming World's Mr Sleek after going from 16st 12lbs to 11st 10lbs, losing 8 inches from his waist.

After taking on the Simplyhealth Great Birmingham 10K back in May, Dann, from Elmdon, was inspired to take on the Great Birmingham Run and is now deep into his training for his very first half marathon.

UK's 'Mr Sleek' to take on his first half marathon.

PwC powering ahead in this year's Business Challenge

Global professional services company PwC is continuing its love for taking on the Great Birmingham Run with a team set to compete in this year's Business Challenge.

Based on Cornwall Street, the company's staff team were out in forced for the Birmingham 10K earlier in the year and are now continuing to support the PwC Foundation at the Great Birmingham Run with a corporate team.

The Business Challenge sees companies from across the city and beyond compete against each other for fastest-time trophies, and of course, bragging rights in the business world.

The four fastest collective times by participants are added up for each team to pick the overall winners and the winning team is event awarded with an engraved trophie.

Sign up for the Great Birmingham Run Business Challenge

The runner who's giving back to charity

Inspirational runner Luke Corbet is returning to his home turf of Birmingham to help raise vital funds for Acorns Children's Hospice, who offered vital care and supported him as a child.

30-year-old Luke, from Sutton Coldfield, is partially sited and has Asperger's syndrome, but says that nothing will stop him from taking on the run and giving back to the charity that means so much to him.

Luke is aiming to raise £1,000 for the charity.

Why taking part isn't about being the fastest for this firefighter

As if running 13.1 miles wasn't enough of a challenge, 30-year-old firefighter Arturs Grotans is pushing himself that little bit more by planning to run the course with a 20kg firefighter dummy strapped to his back.

Arturs, from Lichfield will be running the half marathon to raise money for Cure Leukaemia, Bloodwise and The Fire Fighters Charity.

He said: "It's not about doing it in the fastest time, it's about finishing and raising money for three charities that are very close to my heart."

What are you waiting for? There's still plenty of time to sign up for this year's run!