Is Your Company The Midland’S Fittest And Fastest?

Picture: West Midlands Mayor Andy Street

Midlands companies of all shapes and sizes are in the running for corporate glory after signing up to take part in the Simplyhealth Great Birmingham Run Business Challenge.

The annual Business Challenge invites firms to compete at the half marathon on Sunday, October 14, for fastest-time trophies and those all-important bragging rights in the business world.

The four fastest collective times by participants are added up for each team to pick the overall winners and an engraved trophy is awarded for the winning team in each business size category (small, medium and large). Plus, any company that enters 12 employees or more also receives an engraved plaque.

The Great Birmingham Run reverts to its popular earlier morning start time for 2018 and, starting in the city centre, takes in the sights of south Birmingham such as Edgbaston and Bournville before runners receive a rousing welcome back to the city centre.

Over 60 teams took part in last year's Great Birmingham Run half marathon and 10K Business Challenges, from a variety of business sectors and sizes across the Midlands.

The Business Challenge is a great way of raising funds for a workplace charity or foundation, motivating team spirit or supporting Corporate Social Responsibility objectives.

Among the winners last year were banking giant HSBC and the West Midlands Combined Authority's ‘Mayor's Movers' – led by West Midlands Mayor Andy Street – who were raising funds for Alzheimer's Society and Cure Leukaemia respectively.

Already signed up for this year's Business Challenge are Thursfields Solicitors, Wesleyan Assurance and tax auditors RSM UK.

David Hart, Partnerships Director for The Great Run Company, said: “Taking on the Simplyhealth Great Birmingham Run Business Challenge is a great way of inspiring office morale and team building.

“While the Challenge has an element of friendly competition, it's all about participation and getting active for the summer with one of the biggest events of the year to look forward to. We can't wait to see the thousands of runners on the start line on Sunday, October 14.”

To enter the Simplyhealth Great Birmingham Run Business Challenge click here