Our New Partnership With Strava

The Great Run Company, the UK’s largest running events series and Strava, the leading social network for runners, have announced an ambitious partnership to bring together thousands of participants preparing for some of their biggest events around the country. 

Under the agreement, Great Run will work with Strava to create official Great Run event ‘clubs’, these online communities will be open to anyone using Strava.

The clubs will provide a unique digital platform to track and monitor training, as well as enhanced runner experiences like segment challenges and support for a number of events, including the Simplyhealth Great North Run.   

The partnership aims to better the experience for runners in the lead up to events as well as provide effective post race analysis.

Gareth Mills, Strava UK Country Manager said, “The astounding growth of the Simplyhealth Great Run Series has shown that running is popular! People not only see running as a means to improve fitness but also as a way of socialising and interacting. These are the principles on which Strava’s social network was built. Through supporting the series, Strava is able to offer a platform for participants to meet their event based goals and unlock their full potential.”

Pete Gallagher, Great Run Company Sponsorship and Business Development Director said “This partnership recognises our commitment to providing our runners with a community where they can share and interact with each other. We look forward to working with Strava to grow running in the UK.”