Simplyhealth Great East Run Sells Out For A Second Year

The Simplyhealth Great East Run has reached its capacity with five months still remaining until the half marathon takes place.

This is the second year that the 13.1-mile event, which takes place on Sunday 16 September in Ipswich, Suffolk, has seen a huge demand for entries.

All places for the 2018 event have now sold out, with no others set to be released this year.

Over 3,500 people have signed up, with 500 more than last year having the chance to take on the half marathon challenge.

Alex Jackson, of the Great Run Company, said: “For the second year, the response to the Simplyhealth Great East Run has been overwhelming.

“There’s clearly a huge demand for running in Suffolk and we can’t wait to welcome everyone to the start line in September.

“We’ll continue to work with our local partners to ensure the event can grow and attract more runners from both around the region and throughout the UK in the years to come.”

Thousands of participants have the chance to be their greatest by taking on the half marathon this Autumn, which offers scenic tour of the Suffolk countryside before returning back into Ipswich town centre.

Runners start on Russell Road, before heading towards the waterfront and out towards Freston, passing under the Orwell Bridge, where spectator support was extremely popular last year.

No matter how participants, run, why they run or how fast they go, every one of them will experience their own unique finish line feeling as they cross the line at Ipswich Town FC’s Portman Road complex.

The Simplyhealth Great East Run is staged in staged in partnership with Suffolk County Council, Ipswich Borough Council and Ipswich JAFFA Running Club.

It is part of an initiative to help Suffolk achieve its ambition to be the most active county in England.

Councillor Tony Goldson, Cabinet Member for Health at Suffolk County Council, said: “After the success of last year’s event it’s great that even more people will have the opportunity to take part this year and to sell out so soon is testament to all the partners involved.

“I have no doubt that all the work undertaken in recent years to develop weekly free to attend running events across the county is helping to get more residents active and inspire them to take on the Simplyhealth Great East Run.

“I look forward to cheering the runners home on Sunday 16 September.”

Participants of last year’s Simplyhealth Great East Run raised just under £1million for charity, with a huge number of fundraisers, first-timers and competitive club runners taking part across the day.

Alison Beech, chair of Ipswich Jaffa Running Club, said: “Ipswich Jaffa is delighted to continue its involvement with the Simplyhealth Great East Run and we look forward to recruiting volunteers to help with the event on the day.

“It is also our pleasure to again be supporting some of the first-time runners through coaching, advice and training sessions.

“We know some of those who we helped last year really valued the encouragement and advocacy offered by the qualified coaching team and from club members.”

For further information about the event, visit: