Three Months To Go To Great Birmingham 10K

The Great Birmingham 10K is one of the highlights in the city’s activity and mass-participation calendar, and just one of many events managed by the Great Run Company. Thousands of people of all abilities sign-up to take part, raising funds for good causes or setting personal lifestyle targets.

We can’t wait to see you on the start line on Sunday, May 31. In the meantime, here’s ten facts you need to know about the event, which is proving more popular than ever thanks to its new-look landmark course.
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There’s just three months to go!
Yes, that’s right; the Midlands’ biggest 10k takes place on Sunday, May 31. But there’s still plenty of time to get involved, get in training and sign-up. From first-timers to fastest-timers, there are training schedules for everyone at

A new view of the city centre
Great Birmingham 10K organisers have worked with the city council to create a new route that shows off the best of Brum.

The Hippodrome Theatre, Bullring, Grand Central, the Mailbox, canals, the Jewellery Quarter, Victoria Square, Colmore Row… the new route is a checklist of city centre landmarks and much-loved locations.

The finish line is in the heart of the Business District, near Birmingham Cathedral, which gives runners and spectators numerous options for a post-run refreshment or a spot of shopping.

This is your chance to say I was there!

Your company can get involved
The Great Birmingham 10K features the ever-popular ENGIE Business Challenge, which sees Midlands companies of all shapes and sizes compete for fastest-time trophies and bragging rights among your corporate competitors.

Professional services giant PwC and HSBC Bank will be out in force for the 2020 Great Birmingham 10K with more than 200 staff between them already signed up to take part in the Business Challenge.

Why not round-up a work team and enjoy the boost to office spirit and friendly competitiveness that comes with taking part? Click here to find out more.

Your children can get involved and earn a runners’ medal
Mums and dads won’t be the only runners soaking up the city-centre sights and picking up a finisher’s medal at this year’s new and improved Great Birmingham 10K.

That’s because for the first time the popular Junior and Mini Runs will be taking place on the same day as the 10k.
Mini Runners, aged 3-8 years, will take on a 1.5k city centre course whilst the Junior Run covers 2.5k for kids aged 9-16 years, giving children the chance to celebrate their own achievement and wear their medals with pride, just like the adults.

To enter the Junior and Mini Great Birmingham Run click here  

Walk the 10K with friends
More people than ever are choosing to walk the Great Birmingham 10K course with its Walking Wave growing in popularity.

Hundreds of the participants walked the route at last year’s 10k and even more are expected to join the Walking Wave this year.

It’s the perfect training run for an autumn half marathon
Got one eye on the Great Birmingham Run half marathon on Sunday, October 11?

A spring 10k is a perfect-timed training event that will put you through your paces as part of your schedule. You’ll also get a shiny medal and tee-shirt to add to your collection!

Tackling mental health through running
Taking on mental health issues features highly among our thousands of runners with recent research suggesting putting on your running shoes can help overcome stress and anxiety.

A group of runners from Aston Jiu Jitsu Club understands this and is running the 10k to raise £5,000 and awareness for Mind mental health charity.

Leading the team is 28-year-old Abdus Burahee, a trauma and orthopaedics surgical trainee and martial arts instructor, who said: “Most of us have either personally or indirectly been affected by mental health troubles, and we chose Mind as friends and family had previously benefitted from their help.”

“We’ve all heard ‘man up!’, “forget about it!’ and ‘get on with it!’, but sometimes we need something more and figures show one in four people suffer from mental health problems in the UK.”

Support a charity close to your heart
Hundreds of local and national charities benefit from the incredible fundraising efforts of participants at the annual Great Birmingham 10K or Great Birmingham Run half marathon.

Why not pledge to raise a few pounds, while shedding a few pounds, at this year’s 10K, for a cause close to your heart?
Last year’s Great Birmingham 10K and Great Birmingham Run helped raise well over £1 million for local and national good causes.

Roundhouse runners are joining the party!
When staff at Birmingham’s latest visitor attraction heard that thousands of runners would be passing their doorstep as part of the new route of the Great Birmingham 10K they decided there was only one thing to do – join in.

Keith Wraight, Katerina Kovacic and Chris Maher have already signed up and they hope a team of eight will ultimately take part.

Their workplace, the Roundhouse, sits alongside the Birmingham New Main Line Canal near Sheepcote Street and is on the new-look 10k route.

The Grade II *-listed Roundhouse is undergoing a multi-million pound renovation thanks to a partnership between the National Trust and the Canal & River Trust. It is due for completion in the summer of 2020.

You’ll have a great day out
While we can’t guarantee a day of glorious sunshine this year (fingers crossed!), the new city centre route, running party atmosphere with bands and performers along the route, and a bumper selection of places to eat and drink, will come together for a fantastic day out for all the family.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for the Great Birmingham 10K today!