
General Training Tips & Advice

We’ve got hundreds of articles filled with our best tips on everything from training schedules, motivation, nutrition, footwear and breathing techniques, to crafting your best running playlist and best practices for before, during and after your run.

General Training

General Training
The Absolute Beginners Guide to Running

Take a look at our top five tips for keeping a brand new running habit going.

General Training
6 Benefits Of Running

Ever wondered why so many people run? Here are some amazing benefits for your health.

General Training
Soup Up Your Training

Few dishes are superior to soup in terms of replenishing the vitamins and fluids lost in training. Here's a recipe for you to try!

General Training
Running Through The Winter

To help kick back the slump through the dark winter months, follow our tips to keep motivated, and stay safe and healthy along the way.

General Training
How to have a no-pressure new year

The New Year period shouldn’t be your punishment for indulging or relaxing over Christmas. Give yourself a break, get motivated and be kind to yourself.

General Training
10 Tips To Get You Running This January

Taking your first step outdoors in January can be tough. Here are our 10 tips to get your running this January.

General Training
Power Up Your Porridge

All hail the mighty porridge. It's the perfect pre-run breakfast. Here's two delicious porridge recipes for you to try!

General Training
What happens to my body when running?

There are a few strange side effects to running. From runny noses to a sudden urge to ‘go’, find out why it happens.

General Training
How to prevent blisters when running

Blisters are annoying and often surprisingly painful. Read on to find out what causes them, and more importantly how to avoid them.

General Training
Plan a new running route

It’s easy to get stuck in a running route rut. Keep boredom at bay and plan a new running route. Hey, we’re all human – and if sticking to…

General Training
How to use a foam roller

A 10-20 minute session a couple of times a week is enough to get you started. Read on for our tips on how to use a foam roller.

Event Day Tips
A runner’s guide to tapering

Tapering will help you to avoid injury and maybe even enhance your final performance. Read our guide to tapering to find out more.

General Training
What is Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is the latest exercise craze for runners - but exactly what is plyometrics, and will it help you run faster?

General Training
How to run for longer and cultivate a runner’s mindset

Read on for our five top tips for honing your runner mindset and you’ll soon find yourself racking up some serious distances.

General Training
The super simple runner’s exercise routine

building some simple gym or home exercises into your schedule is guaranteed to maximise your performance.

General Training
How does running help your mental health?

here are five scientific studies that prove there’s plenty of reasons to lace up and let go of your worries.

General Training
Getting fit for free

Read on for our top tips for getting fit for free and maximising your running workout on a budget.

General Training
Find a running club in the North East

Starting out? Our guide to some of the running clubs in Newcastle and beyond should help to point you in the right direction.

General Training
Five must-see films about running

On days when energy is low, an inspirational running film movie could be just the pick-me-up you need.

General Training
The dos and don’ts of treadmill running

Take a look at our tips for indoor running and take your gym session from dreadmilling, to top treadmilling.

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